
Common Overlay Apps

Common use cases for vtk_overlay_window

class sksurgeryutils.common_overlay_apps.OverlayBaseWidget(video_source, dims=None)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget

Base class for applications that use vtk_overlay_window. The update() method should be implemented in the child class.

  • video_source – OpenCV compatible video source (int or filename)
  • dims – size of video feed

Add VTK models to the foreground. :param: directory, location of models


Starts the timer, which repeatedly triggers the update_view() method.

staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>

Stops the timer.


Make sure that the VTK Interactor terminates nicely, otherwise it can throw some error messages, depending on the usage.


Update the scene background and/or foreground. Should be implemented by sub class

class sksurgeryutils.common_overlay_apps.OverlayOnVideoFeed(video_source, dims=None)[source]

Bases: sksurgeryutils.common_overlay_apps.OverlayBaseWidget

Uses the acquired video feed as the background image, with no additional processing.

staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>

Get the next frame of input and display it.

class sksurgeryutils.common_overlay_apps.OverlayOnVideoFeedCropRecord(video_source, output_filename=None, dims=None)[source]

Bases: sksurgeryutils.common_overlay_apps.OverlayBaseWidget

Add cropping of the incoming video feed, and the ability to
record the vtk_overlay_window.
  • video_source – OpenCV compatible video source (int or filename)
  • output_filename – Location of output video file when recording. If none specified, the current date/time is used as the filename.

Get the output frame to write in numpy format.


Start recording data on each frame update. It is expected that this will be triggered using a Qt signal e.g. from a button click. (see sksurgerydavinci.ui.Viewers for examples)


Stop recording data.


Crop the incoming video stream using ImageCropper. Function is depreciated due to moving to opencv-headless in sksurgeryvtk. I’ve left it in for the minute in case any one is using it without my knowlegde

staticMetaObject = <PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject object>

Get the next frame of input, crop and/or write to file (if either enabled).

Misc Utilities

Various image utilities that might be useful in this package.


Converts an OpenCV image to a Qt pixmap.

Parameters:rgb_image – OpenCV image, 3 channel, RGB.

Any useful utilities relating to displays/screens.

class sksurgeryutils.utils.screen_utils.ScreenController[source]

Bases: object

This class detects the connected screens/monitors, and returns the primary screen and a list of any secondary screens.


Return the primary screen and list of other available screens