Source code for sksurgerycalibration.algorithms.pivot

#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Functions for pivot calibration. """

import random
import numpy as np
from sksurgerycalibration.algorithms.sphere_fitting import \

[docs]def pivot_calibration(tracking_matrices, configuration=None): """ Performs pivot calibration on an array of tracking matrices :param tracking_matrices: an Nx4x4 array of tracking matrices :param configuration: an optional configuration dictionary, if not the algorithm defaults to Algebraic One Step. Other options include ransac, and sphere_fitting :returns: tuple containing; 'pointer_offset' The coordinate of the pointer tip relative to the tracking centre 'pivot_point' The location of the pivot point in world coordinates 'residual_error' The RMS pointer tip error, errors in each direction are treated as independent variables, so for a calibration with n matrices, RMS error is calculated using nx3 measurements. :raises: TypeError, ValueError """ if not isinstance(tracking_matrices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("tracking_matrices is not a numpy array'") if not tracking_matrices.shape[1] == 4: raise ValueError("tracking_matrices should have 4 rows per matrix") if not tracking_matrices.shape[2] == 4: raise ValueError("tracking_matrices should have 4 columns per matrix") use_algebraic_one_step = False use_ransac = False use_sphere_fitting = False if configuration is not None: use_algebraic_one_step = False method = configuration.get('method', 'aos') if method == 'aos': use_algebraic_one_step = True elif method == 'ransac': use_ransac = True elif method == 'sphere_fitting': use_sphere_fitting = True else: use_algebraic_one_step = True if use_algebraic_one_step: return pivot_calibration_aos(tracking_matrices) if use_ransac: number_iterations = configuration.get('number_iterations', 10) error_threshold = configuration.get('error_threshold', 4) consensus_threshold = configuration.get('consensus_threshold', 0.25) early_exit = configuration.get('early_exit', False) return pivot_calibration_with_ransac( tracking_matrices, number_iterations, error_threshold, consensus_threshold, early_exit) if use_sphere_fitting: init_parameters = configuration.get('init_parameters', None) return pivot_calibration_sphere_fit(tracking_matrices, init_parameters) raise ValueError("method key set to unknown method; ", configuration.get('method', 'aos'))
[docs]def pivot_calibration_aos(tracking_matrices): """ Performs Pivot Calibration, using Algebraic One Step method, and returns Residual Error. See `Yaniv 2015 <>`_. :param tracking_matrices: N x 4 x 4 ndarray, of tracking matrices. :returns: pointer offset, pivot point and RMS Error about centroid of pivot. :raises: ValueError if rank less than 6 """ # See equation in section 2.1.2 of Yaniv 2015. # Ax = b. a_values, b_values = _matrices_to_a_and_b(tracking_matrices) # To calculate Singular Value Decomposition u_values, s_values, v_values = np.linalg.svd(a_values, full_matrices=False) c_values =, b_values) w_values = / s_values), c_values) x_values =, w_values) # Calculating the rank, and removing close to zero singular values. rank = _replace_small_values(s_values, 0.01, 0.0) if rank < 6: raise ValueError("PivotCalibration: Failed. Rank < 6") pointer_offset = x_values[0:3] pivot_location = x_values[3:6] residual_error = _residual_error_direct(a_values, b_values, x_values) return pointer_offset, pivot_location, residual_error
[docs]def pivot_calibration_with_ransac(tracking_matrices, number_iterations, error_threshold, concensus_threshold, early_exit=False ): """ Written as an exercise for implementing RANSAC. :param tracking_matrices: N x 4 x 4 ndarray, of tracking matrices. :param number_iterations: the number of iterations to attempt. :param error_threshold: distance in millimetres from pointer position :param concensus_threshold: the minimum percentage of inliers to finish :param early_exit: If True, returns model as soon as thresholds are met :returns: pointer offset, pivot point and RMS Error about centroid of pivot. :raises: TypeError, ValueError """ if number_iterations < 1: raise ValueError("The number of iterations must be > 1") if error_threshold < 0: raise ValueError("The error threshold must be a positive distance.") if concensus_threshold < 0 or concensus_threshold > 1: raise ValueError("The concensus threshold must be [0-1] as percentage") if not isinstance(tracking_matrices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("tracking_matrices is not a numpy array'") number_of_matrices = tracking_matrices.shape[0] population_of_indices = range(number_of_matrices) minimum_matrices_required = 3 highest_number_of_inliers = -1 best_pointer_offset = None best_pivot_location = None best_residual_error = -1 for iter_counter in range(number_iterations): indexes = random.sample(population_of_indices, minimum_matrices_required) sample = tracking_matrices[indexes] try: pointer_offset, pivot_location, _ = pivot_calibration(sample) except ValueError: print("RANSAC, iteration " + str(iter_counter) + ", failed.") continue # Need to evaluate the number of inliers. # Slow, but it's written as a teaching exercise. number_of_inliers = 0 inlier_indices = [] for matrix_counter in range(number_of_matrices): offset = np.vstack((pointer_offset, 1)) transformed_point = tracking_matrices[matrix_counter] @ offset diff = pivot_location - transformed_point[0:3] norm = np.linalg.norm(diff) if norm < error_threshold: number_of_inliers = number_of_inliers + 1 inlier_indices.append(matrix_counter) percentage_inliers = number_of_inliers / number_of_matrices # Keep the best model so far, based on the highest number of inliers. if percentage_inliers > concensus_threshold \ and number_of_inliers > highest_number_of_inliers: highest_number_of_inliers = number_of_inliers inlier_matrices = tracking_matrices[inlier_indices] best_pointer_offset, best_pivot_location, best_residual_error = \ pivot_calibration(inlier_matrices) # Early exit condition, as soon as we find model with enough fit. if percentage_inliers > concensus_threshold and early_exit: return best_pointer_offset, best_pivot_location, best_residual_error if best_pointer_offset is None: raise ValueError("Failed to find a model using RANSAC.") print("RANSAC Pivot, from " + str(number_of_matrices) + " matrices, used " + str(highest_number_of_inliers) + " matrices, with error threshold = " + str(error_threshold) + " and consensus threshold = " + str(concensus_threshold) ) return best_pointer_offset, best_pivot_location, best_residual_error
[docs]def pivot_calibration_sphere_fit(tracking_matrices, init_parameters=None): """ Performs Pivot Calibration, using sphere fitting, based on See `Yaniv 2015 <>`_. :param tracking_matrices: N x 4 x 4 ndarray, of tracking matrices. :param init_parameters: 1X4 array of initial parameter for finding the pivot point in world coords and pivot radius. Default is to set to the mean x,y,z values and radius = 0. :returns: pointer offset, pivot point and RMS Error about centroid of pivot. """ residual_error = -1.0 translations = tracking_matrices[:, 0:3, 3] # first find the pivot point in world coordinates using sphere fitting if init_parameters is None: means = np.mean(translations, 0) init_parameters = np.concatenate([means, np.zeros((1))]) result = fit_sphere_least_squares(translations, init_parameters) pivot_point = result.x[0:3] # now calculate the mean offset rotations = tracking_matrices[:, 0:3, 0:3] offsets = np.zeros((tracking_matrices.shape[0], 3)) for index, rot in enumerate(rotations): offsets[index] = rot.transpose() @ (pivot_point - translations[index]) pointer_offset = np.mean(offsets, 0) residual_error = _residual_error(tracking_matrices, pointer_offset, pivot_point) return pointer_offset, pivot_point, residual_error
def _matrices_to_a_and_b(tracking_matrices): """ Helper function to convert tracking matrices into a_values and b_values that can be used for aos calibration or for calculating residuals. :param tracking_matrices: nx4x4 tracking matrices :returns: a_values, (nx3)x6 array of rotation and -Identity, b_values, an nx3 column vector of translations """ number_of_matrices = tracking_matrices.shape[0] # A contains rotation matrix from each tracking matrix. # and -I for each tracking matrix. size_a = 3 * number_of_matrices, 3 a_first = (tracking_matrices [:, 0:3, 0:3]).reshape(size_a) a_second = (np.eye(3) * -1.0).reshape((1, 3, 3)).repeat( number_of_matrices, 0).reshape(size_a) a_values = np.concatenate((a_first, a_second), axis=1) # Column vector containing -1 * translation from each tracking matrix. size_b = 3 * number_of_matrices, 1 b_values = (tracking_matrices[:, 0:3, 3] * -1.0).reshape((size_b)) return a_values, b_values def _residual_error(tracking_matrices, pointer_offset, pivot_location): """ Helper function to calculate resdiual (RMS) errors. :params tracking_matrices: nx4x4 array :params pointer_offset: 1x3 array :params pivot_location: 1x3 array :returns: The RMS residual error """ x_values = np.concatenate([pointer_offset, pivot_location], axis=0).reshape((6, 1)) a_values, b_values = _matrices_to_a_and_b(tracking_matrices) return _residual_error_direct(a_values, b_values, x_values) def _residual_error_direct(a_values, b_values, x_values): """ Helper function to calculate resdidual (RMS) errors. :params a_values: (nx3)x6 array of rotation and -Identity, :params b_values: an nx3 column vector of translations :params x_values: nx6 array, pointer_offset and pivot_point :returns: TRhe RMS residual error """ residual_matrix = (, x_values) - b_values) residual_error = np.mean(residual_matrix * residual_matrix) residual_error = np.sqrt(residual_error) return residual_error def _replace_small_values(the_list, threshold=0.01, replacement_value=0.0): """ replace small values in a list, this changes the list in place. :param the_list: the list to process. :param threshold: replace values lower than threshold. :param replacement_value: value to replace with. :returns: the number of items not replaced. """ rank = 0 for index, item in enumerate(the_list): if item < threshold: the_list[index] = replacement_value else: rank += 1 return rank