Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Containers for video calibration data. """

import os
import copy
import cv2
import numpy as np
import as sksio

[docs]class BaseVideoCalibrationData: """ Constructor, no member variables, so just a pure virtual interface. Not really necessary if you rely on duck-typing, but at least it shows the intention of what derived classes should implement, and means we can use this base class to type check against. """ def __init__(self): return
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Used to clear, re-initialise all member variables. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this.")
[docs] def pop(self): """ Remove the last view of data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this.")
[docs] def get_number_of_views(self): """ Returns the number of views of data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this.")
[docs] def save_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str): """ Writes all contained data to disk. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this.")
[docs] def load_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str): """ Loads all contained data from disk. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this.")
[docs]class TrackingData(BaseVideoCalibrationData): """ Class for storing tracking data. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.device_tracking_array = None self.calibration_tracking_array = None self.reinit()
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Deletes all data. """ self.device_tracking_array = [] self.calibration_tracking_array = []
[docs] def push(self, device_tracking, calibration_tracking): """ Stores a pair of tracking data. :param device_tracking: transformation for the thing you're tracking :param calibration_tracking: transformation for tracked calibration obj """ self.device_tracking_array.append( copy.deepcopy(device_tracking)) self.calibration_tracking_array.append( copy.deepcopy(calibration_tracking))
[docs] def pop(self): """ Removes the last (most recent) view of data. """ if self.device_tracking_array: self.device_tracking_array.pop(-1) self.calibration_tracking_array.pop(-1)
[docs] def get_number_of_views(self): """ Returns the number of views of data. :return: int """ return len(self.device_tracking_array)
[docs] def save_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Saves the tracking data to lots of different files. :param dir_name: directory to save to :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) for i in enumerate(self.device_tracking_array): device_tracking_file = \ sksio.get_device_tracking_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) if self.device_tracking_array[i[0]] is not None: np.savetxt(device_tracking_file, self.device_tracking_array[i[0]], fmt='%.8f') for i in enumerate(self.calibration_tracking_array): calibration_tracking_file = \ sksio.get_calibration_tracking_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) if self.calibration_tracking_array[i[0]] is not None: np.savetxt(calibration_tracking_file, self.calibration_tracking_array[i[0]], fmt='%.8f')
[docs] def load_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Loads tracking data from files. :param dir_name: directory to load from :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ self.reinit() files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "device_tracking", ".txt") for file in files: device_data = np.loadtxt(file) self.device_tracking_array.append(device_data) files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "calib_obj_tracking", ".txt") for file in files: calibration_data = np.loadtxt(file) self.calibration_tracking_array.append(calibration_data)
[docs]class MonoVideoData(BaseVideoCalibrationData): """ Stores data extracted from each video view of a mono calibration. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.images_array = None self.ids_arrays = None self.object_points_arrays = None self.image_points_arrays = None self.reinit()
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Deletes all data. """ self.images_array = [] self.ids_arrays = [] self.object_points_arrays = [] self.image_points_arrays = []
[docs] def pop(self): """ Removes the last (most recent) view of data. """ if len(self.images_array) > 1: self.images_array.pop(-1) self.ids_arrays.pop(-1) self.object_points_arrays.pop(-1) self.image_points_arrays.pop(-1)
[docs] def push(self, image, ids, object_points, image_points): """ Stores another view of data. Copies data. """ self.images_array.append(copy.deepcopy(image)) self.ids_arrays.append(copy.deepcopy(ids)) self.object_points_arrays.append(copy.deepcopy(object_points)) self.image_points_arrays.append(copy.deepcopy(image_points))
[docs] def get_number_of_views(self): """ Returns the number of views. """ return len(self.images_array)
[docs] def save_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Saves the calibration data to lots of different files. :param dir_name: directory to save to :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) for i in enumerate(self.images_array): image_file = sksio.get_images_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) cv2.imwrite(image_file, self.images_array[i[0]]) for i in enumerate(self.ids_arrays): id_file = sksio.get_ids_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) np.savetxt(id_file, self.ids_arrays[i[0]], fmt='%d') for i in enumerate(self.object_points_arrays): object_points_file = sksio.get_objectpoints_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) reshaped = np.reshape(self.object_points_arrays[i[0]], (-1, 3)) np.savetxt(object_points_file, reshaped, fmt='%.8f') for i in enumerate(self.image_points_arrays): image_points_file = sksio.get_imagepoints_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i[0]) reshaped = np.reshape(self.image_points_arrays[i[0]], (-1, 2)) np.savetxt(image_points_file, reshaped, fmt='%.8f')
[docs] def load_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Loads the calibration data. :param dir_name: directory to load from :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ self.reinit() files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "images", ".png") for file in files: image = cv2.imread(file) self.images_array.append(image) files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "ids", ".txt") for file in files: ids = np.loadtxt(file) self.ids_arrays.append(ids) files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "object_points", ".txt") for file in files: object_points = np.loadtxt(file) reshaped = np.reshape(object_points, (object_points.shape[0], 1, 3)) self.object_points_arrays.append(reshaped.astype(np.float32)) files = sksio.get_filenames_by_glob_expr(dir_name, file_prefix, "image_points", ".txt") for file in files: image_points = np.loadtxt(file) reshaped = np.reshape(image_points, (image_points.shape[0], 1, 2)) self.image_points_arrays.append(reshaped.astype(np.float32))
[docs] def save_annotated_images(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Saves video images, annotated with the ID of each 2D point detected. """ if len(self.images_array) == 0: raise ValueError("Can't dump out empty arrays") if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX for i in enumerate(self.images_array): image_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.images_array[i]) points = self.image_points_arrays[i] ids = self.ids_arrays[i] for counter in range(ids.shape[0]): cv2.putText(image_copy, str(ids[counter]), (int(points[counter][0][0]), int(points[counter][0][1])), font, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) annotated_image_file_name = \ sksio.get_annotated_images_file_name(dir_name, file_prefix, i) cv2.imwrite(annotated_image_file_name, image_copy)
[docs]class StereoVideoData(BaseVideoCalibrationData): """ Stores data extracted from each view of a stereo calibration. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.left_data = MonoVideoData() self.right_data = MonoVideoData() self.reinit()
[docs] def reinit(self): """ Deletes all data. """ self.left_data.reinit() self.right_data.reinit()
[docs] def pop(self): """ Removes the last (most recent) view of data. """ self.left_data.pop() self.right_data.pop()
[docs] def push(self, left_image, left_ids, left_object_points, left_image_points, right_image, right_ids, right_object_points, right_image_points): """ Stores another view of data. Copies data. """ self.left_data.push( left_image, left_ids, left_object_points, left_image_points) self.right_data.push( right_image, right_ids, right_object_points, right_image_points)
[docs] def get_number_of_views(self): """ Returns the number of views. """ num_left = self.left_data.get_number_of_views() num_right = self.right_data.get_number_of_views() if num_left != num_right: raise ValueError("Different number of views in left and right??") return num_left
[docs] def save_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Saves the calibration data to lots of different files. :param dir_name: directory to save to :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ left_prefix = sksio.get_left_prefix(file_prefix) self.left_data.save_data(dir_name, left_prefix) right_prefix = sksio.get_right_prefix(file_prefix) self.right_data.save_data(dir_name, right_prefix)
[docs] def load_data(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Loads the calibration data. :param dir_name: directory to load from :param file_prefix: prefix for all files """ self.reinit() left_prefix = sksio.get_left_prefix(file_prefix) self.left_data.load_data(dir_name, left_prefix) right_prefix = sksio.get_right_prefix(file_prefix) self.right_data.load_data(dir_name, right_prefix)
[docs] def save_annotated_images(self, dir_name: str, file_prefix: str ): """ Saves video images, annotated with the ID of each 2D point detected. """ left_prefix = sksio.get_left_prefix(file_prefix) self.left_data.save_annotated_images(dir_name, left_prefix) right_prefix = sksio.get_right_prefix(file_prefix) self.right_data.save_annotated_images(dir_name, right_prefix)