Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Various routines for Hand-Eye calibration. """

# pylint:disable=invalid-name,consider-using-enumerate

import logging
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import sksurgerycore.transforms.matrix as mu
import as vu
import as qu

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def set_model2hand_arrays(calibration_tracking_array: List, device_tracking_array: List, use_quaternions=False) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Guofang Xiao's method. Set the model-to-hand quaternion and translation arrays from tracking data. :param calibration_tracking_array: Array of tracking data for calibration target :type calibration_tracking_array: List of tracking data :param device_tracking_array: Array of tracking data for device (e.g. camera) :type device_tracking_array: List of tracking data :param use_quaternions: If True input should be quaternions :type device_tracking_array: bool :return: quaternion model to hand array and translation model to hand array :rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray """ if len(calibration_tracking_array) != len(device_tracking_array): raise ValueError('Calibration target and device tracking array \ should be the same size') number_of_frames = len(calibration_tracking_array) quat_model2hand_array = np.zeros((number_of_frames, 4)) trans_model2hand_array = np.zeros((number_of_frames, 3)) for i in range(number_of_frames): if use_quaternions: quat_model = \ calibration_tracking_array[i][0, 0:4] trans_model = \ calibration_tracking_array[i][0, 4:7] quat_hand = \ device_tracking_array[i][0, 0:4] trans_hand = \ device_tracking_array[i][0, 4:7] quat_model2hand = qu.quat_multiply(qu.quat_conjugate(quat_hand), quat_model) q_translation = np.append([0], (trans_model - trans_hand)) quat_hand_conj = qu.quat_conjugate(quat_hand) trans_model2hand = qu.quat_multiply(quat_hand_conj, qu.quat_multiply(q_translation, quat_hand)) trans_model2hand = trans_model2hand[1:4] else: tracking_model = calibration_tracking_array[i] tracking_hand = device_tracking_array[i] model_to_hand = np.linalg.inv(tracking_hand) @ tracking_model quat_model2hand = qu.rotm_to_quat(model_to_hand[0:3, 0:3]) trans_model2hand = model_to_hand[0:3, 3] quat_model2hand_array[i] = quat_model2hand trans_model2hand_array[i] = trans_model2hand quat_model2hand_array = \ qu.to_one_hemisphere(quat_model2hand_array) return quat_model2hand_array, trans_model2hand_array
def _gx_solve_2quaternions(qx, q_A, q_B): """ Guofang Xiao's method. Provide cost function for least-square optimisation to solve quaternions qx1 and qx2 in: q_B = qx1 * q_A * qx2 :param qx: 1x8 vector of 2 quaternions :param q_A: Nx4 matrices of N quaternions :param q_B: Nx4 matrices of N quaternions :return: """ if np.shape(q_A) != np.shape(q_B): raise AssertionError("q_A and q_B must have the same shape.") number_of_frames = np.shape(q_A)[0] f = [] qx_1 = qx[0:4] qx_2 = qx[4:8] qx_1 = qx_1/np.linalg.norm(qx_1) qx_2 = qx_2/np.linalg.norm(qx_2) for i in range(0, number_of_frames): f.append(qu.quat_multiply(qu.quat_multiply(qx_1, q_A[i]), qx_2) - q_B[i]) f = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(f)) return f def _gx_solve_2translations(q_handeye, quat_model2hand_array, trans_model2hand_array, trans_extrinsics_array): """ Guofang Xiao's method. Solve translations t_handeye and t_pattern2marker. translations = [t_handeye t_pattern2marker] :param q_handeye: 1x4 matrix quaternion :param quat_model2hand_array: Nx4 matrix of N quaternions :param trans_model2hand_array: Nx3 matrices of N translations :param trans_extrinsics_array: Nx3 matrices of extrinsic translation vectors :return: """ if np.shape(quat_model2hand_array)[0] \ != np.shape(trans_model2hand_array)[0]: raise AssertionError("Wrong dimensions in solve_2translations().") if np.shape(trans_model2hand_array) != np.shape(trans_extrinsics_array): raise AssertionError("Wrong dimensions in solve_2translations().") number_of_frames = np.shape(quat_model2hand_array)[0] A = np.zeros((3 * number_of_frames, 6)) B = np.zeros((3 * number_of_frames, 1)) for i in range(0, number_of_frames): qHEqMH = qu.quat_multiply(q_handeye, quat_model2hand_array[i]) rHErMH = qu.quat_to_rotm(qHEqMH) rHE = qu.quat_to_rotm(q_handeye) A[i*3:i*3+3, :] = np.hstack([np.identity(3), rHErMH]) b_i = np.transpose(trans_extrinsics_array[i, :])\ - np.matmul(rHE, np.transpose(trans_model2hand_array[i, :])) B[i*3:i*3+3] = np.reshape(b_i, (3, 1)) A_T = np.transpose(A) translations = np.linalg.inv(A_T @ A) @ A_T @ B translations = np.transpose(translations) return translations.flatten() def _gx_handeye_optimisation( quat_extrinsics_array: np.ndarray, trans_extrinsics_array: np.ndarray, quat_model2hand_array: np.ndarray, trans_model2hand_array: np.ndarray) -> \ Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Guofang Xiao's method. Solve handeye and pattern-to-marker transformations. :param quat_extrinsics_array: An array of quaternions representing the rotations of the camera extrinsics. :type quat_extrinsics_array: np.ndarray :param trans_extrinsics_array: Array of the translation vectors of the camera extrinsics. :type trans_extrinsics_array: np.ndarray :param quat_model2hand_array: An array of model to hand quaternions. :type quat_model2hand_array: np.ndarray :param quat_model2hand_array: An array of model to hand translations arrays. :type quat_model2hand_array: np.ndarray :return: rotations in quaternion form and translations of the handeye pattern-to-marker transformation. :rtype: np.ndarray """ # self.quat_model2hand_array should already be in one hemisphere. quat_extrinsics_array = qu.to_one_hemisphere(quat_extrinsics_array) qx_0 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] lb = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] ub = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] op_result = least_squares(_gx_solve_2quaternions, qx_0, bounds=(lb, ub), args=(quat_model2hand_array, quat_extrinsics_array) ) q_handeye = op_result.x[0:4] q_pattern2marker = op_result.x[4:8] q_handeye = q_handeye / np.linalg.norm(q_handeye) q_pattern2marker = q_pattern2marker / np.linalg.norm(q_pattern2marker) translations = _gx_solve_2translations(q_handeye, quat_model2hand_array, trans_model2hand_array, trans_extrinsics_array) t_handeye = translations[0:3] t_pattern2marker = translations[3:6] return q_handeye, t_handeye, q_pattern2marker, t_pattern2marker
[docs]def guofang_xiao_handeye_calibration(rvecs: List[np.ndarray], tvecs: List[np.ndarray], quat_model2hand_array: np.ndarray, trans_model2hand_array: np.ndarray) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Guofang Xiao's method. Solve for the hand-eye transformation, as well as the transformation from the pattern to the tracking markers on the calibration object. This method, developed for the SmartLiver project, assumes both device (laparoscope), and the calibration object are tracked. We also, keep the device (laparoscope) stationary while moving the calibration object. :param rvecs: Array of rotation vectors, from OpenCV, camera extrinsics (pattern to camera transform) :type rvecs: List[np.ndarray] :param tvecs: Array of translation vectors, from OpenCV, camera extrinsics (pattern to camera transform) :type tvecs: List[np.ndarray] :param quat_model2hand_array: Array of quaternions representing rotational part of marker-to-hand. :type quat_model2hand_array: np.ndarray :param trans_model2hand_array: Array of quaternions representing translational part of marker-to-hand. :type trans_model2hand_array: np.ndarray :return: two 4x4 matrices as np.ndarray, representing handeye_matrix, pattern2marker_matrix :rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray """ number_of_frames = len(rvecs) quat_extrinsics_array = np.zeros((number_of_frames, 4)) for i in range(number_of_frames): quat_extrinsics_array[i] = qu.rvec_to_quat(rvecs[i].flatten()) trans_extrinsics_array = np.reshape(tvecs, (number_of_frames, 3)) q_handeye, t_handeye, q_pattern2marker, t_pattern2marker = \ _gx_handeye_optimisation(quat_extrinsics_array, trans_extrinsics_array, quat_model2hand_array, trans_model2hand_array) handeye_matrix = np.eye(4) handeye_matrix[0:3, 0:3] = qu.quat_to_rotm(q_handeye) handeye_matrix[0:3, 3] = t_handeye pattern2marker_matrix = np.eye(4) pattern2marker_matrix[0:3, 0:3] = qu.quat_to_rotm(q_pattern2marker) pattern2marker_matrix[0:3, 3] = t_pattern2marker return handeye_matrix, pattern2marker_matrix
[docs]def calibrate_hand_eye_using_stationary_pattern( camera_rvecs: List[np.ndarray], camera_tvecs: List[np.ndarray], tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], method=cv2.CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI, invert_camera=False ): """ Hand-eye calibration using standard OpenCV methods. This method assumes a single set of tracking data, so it is useful for a stationary, untracked calibration pattern, and a tracked video device, e.g. laparoscope. :param camera_rvecs: list of rvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param camera_tvecs: list of tvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked device, marker_to_tracker. :param method: Choice of OpenCV Hand-Eye method. :param invert_camera: if True, we invert camera matrices before hand-eye calibration. :return hand-eye transform as 4x4 matrix. """ if len(camera_rvecs) != len(camera_tvecs): raise ValueError("Camera rotation and translation vector " "lists must be the same length.") if len(camera_tvecs) != len(tracking_matrices): raise ValueError("The number of camera extrinsic transforms must " "equal the number of tracking matrices.") if len(camera_rvecs) < 3: raise ValueError("You must have at least 3 views, include movements " "around at least 2 different rotation axes.") # Convert tracking matrices to rvecs/tvecs for OpenCV. tracking_rvecs = [] tracking_tvecs = [] for i in range(len(camera_rvecs)): rvecs, tvecs = vu.extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(tracking_matrices[i]) tracking_rvecs.append(rvecs) tracking_tvecs.append(tvecs) cam_rvecs = [] cam_tvecs = [] for i in range(len(camera_rvecs)): mat = vu.extrinsic_vecs_to_matrix(camera_rvecs[i], camera_tvecs[i]) if invert_camera: mat = np.linalg.inv(mat) rvecs, tvecs = vu.extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(mat) cam_rvecs.append(rvecs) cam_tvecs.append(tvecs) # OpenCV outputs eye-to-hand. e2h_rmat, e2h_tvec = cv2.calibrateHandEye(tracking_rvecs, tracking_tvecs, cam_rvecs, cam_tvecs, method=method ) e2h = mu.construct_rigid_transformation(e2h_rmat, e2h_tvec) h2e = np.linalg.inv(e2h) return h2e
[docs]def calibrate_hand_eye_using_tracked_pattern( camera_rvecs: List[np.ndarray], camera_tvecs: List[np.ndarray], device_tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], pattern_tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], method=cv2.CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI ): """ Hand-eye calibration using standard OpenCV methods. This method assumes two sets of tracking data, so it is useful for a tracked device (e.g. laparoscope) and a tracked calibration object (e.g. chessboard). :param camera_rvecs: list of rvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param camera_tvecs: list of tvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param device_tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked device, marker_to_tracker. :param pattern_tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked calibration object, marker_to_tracker. :param method: Choice of OpenCV Hand-Eye method. :return hand-eye transform as 4x4 matrix. """ if len(device_tracking_matrices) != len(pattern_tracking_matrices): raise ValueError("The number of device tracking matrices must " "equal the number of pattern tracking matrices.") if len(device_tracking_matrices) < 3: raise ValueError("You must have at least 3 tracking matrices") for i in range(len(pattern_tracking_matrices)): if pattern_tracking_matrices[i] is None: raise ValueError("Pattern tracking matrix:" + str(i) + str(" is None.")) # Essentially, as we have a tracked calibration object, # the calibration object becomes the reference for the tracker space. tracking_matrices = [] for i in range(len(device_tracking_matrices)): mat = np.linalg.inv(pattern_tracking_matrices[i]) \ @ device_tracking_matrices[i] tracking_matrices.append(mat) h2e = calibrate_hand_eye_using_stationary_pattern(camera_rvecs, camera_tvecs, tracking_matrices, method) return h2e
[docs]def calibrate_pattern_to_tracking_marker(camera_rvecs: List[np.ndarray], camera_tvecs: List[np.ndarray], tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], method=cv2.CALIB_HAND_EYE_TSAI ): """ In some calibration problems, people use a pattern (e.g. chessboard) that is tracked. If you manufacture this well, you should know the pattern_2_marker transform by DESIGN. However, if you assume a STATIONARY video camera, and a moving pattern, this method allows you to use standard hand-eye techniques to estimate the pattern_2_marker transform from at least 2 motions (3 views) around different axes of rotation. :param camera_rvecs: list of rvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param camera_tvecs: list of tvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked calibration pattern, marker_to_tracker. :param method: Choice of OpenCV Hand-Eye method. :return pattern_to_marker """ h2e = calibrate_hand_eye_using_stationary_pattern(camera_rvecs, camera_tvecs, tracking_matrices, method, invert_camera=True) p2m = np.linalg.inv(h2e) return p2m
[docs]def calibrate_hand_eye_and_pattern_to_marker( camera_rvecs: List[np.ndarray], camera_tvecs: List[np.ndarray], device_tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], pattern_tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], method=cv2.CALIB_ROBOT_WORLD_HAND_EYE_SHAH ): """ Hand-eye calibration using standard OpenCV methods. This method assumes you are tracking both the device that needs hand-eye calibration, and the calibration pattern. :param camera_rvecs: list of rvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param camera_tvecs: list of tvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param device_tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked device, e.g. laparoscope, marker_to_tracker. :param pattern_tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the calibration object, marker_to_tracker :param method: Choice of OpenCV RobotWorldHandEye method. :return hand-eye, pattern-to-marker transforms as 4x4 matrices """ if len(camera_rvecs) != len(camera_tvecs): raise ValueError("Camera rotation and translation vector lists " "must be the same length.") if len(camera_tvecs) != len(device_tracking_matrices): raise ValueError("The number of camera extrinsic transforms must " "equal the number of device tracking matrices.") if len(camera_tvecs) != len(pattern_tracking_matrices): raise ValueError("The number of camera extrinsic transforms must " "equal the number of pattern tracking matrices.") if len(camera_rvecs) < 3: raise ValueError("You must have at least 3 views, include movements " "around at least 2 different rotation axes.") # Convert tracking matrices to rvecs/tvecs for OpenCV. # Look at OpenCV documentation for cv.calibrationRobotWorldHandEye # Gripper = tracking marker on calibration pattern # Robot base = tracking marker on video device, eg. laparoscope # World = video camera on laparoscope, assumed to be stationary # So, we move the calibration pattern, not the video device. base2gripper_rvecs = [] base2gripper_tvecs = [] for i in range(len(camera_rvecs)): b2g = np.linalg.inv(pattern_tracking_matrices[i]) \ @ device_tracking_matrices[i] rvecs, tvecs = vu.extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(b2g) base2gripper_rvecs.append(rvecs) base2gripper_tvecs.append(tvecs) cam_rvecs = [] cam_tvecs = [] for i in range(len(camera_rvecs)): mat = vu.extrinsic_vecs_to_matrix(camera_rvecs[i], camera_tvecs[i]) mat = np.linalg.inv(mat) rvecs, tvecs = vu.extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(mat) cam_rvecs.append(rvecs) cam_tvecs.append(tvecs) b2w_rmat, b2w_t, g2c_rmat, g2c_t = \ cv2.calibrateRobotWorldHandEye(cam_rvecs, cam_tvecs, base2gripper_rvecs, base2gripper_tvecs, method=method) h2e = mu.construct_rigid_transformation(b2w_rmat, b2w_t) m2p = mu.construct_rigid_transformation(g2c_rmat, g2c_t) p2m = np.linalg.inv(m2p) return h2e, p2m
[docs]def calibrate_hand_eye_and_grid_to_world( camera_rvecs: List[np.ndarray], camera_tvecs: List[np.ndarray], device_tracking_matrices: List[np.ndarray], method=cv2.CALIB_ROBOT_WORLD_HAND_EYE_SHAH ): """ Hand-eye calibration using standard OpenCV methods. This method assumes you have a stationary untracked calibration pattern, and a tracked device (e.g. laparoscope) :param camera_rvecs: list of rvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param camera_tvecs: list of tvecs that we get from OpenCV camera extrinsics, pattern_to_camera. :param device_tracking_matrices: list of tracking matrices for the tracked device, e.g. laparoscope, marker_to_tracker. :param method: Choice of OpenCV RobotWorldHandEye method. :return hand-eye, grid-to-world transforms as 4x4 matrices """ if len(camera_rvecs) != len(camera_tvecs): raise ValueError("Camera rotation and translation vector " "lists must be the same length.") if len(camera_tvecs) != len(device_tracking_matrices): raise ValueError("The number of camera extrinsic transforms " "must equal the number of device tracking matrices.") if len(camera_rvecs) < 3: raise ValueError("You must have at least 3 views, include " "movements around at least 2 different rotation axes.") base2gripper_rvecs = [] base2gripper_tvecs = [] for i in range(len(device_tracking_matrices)): b2g = np.linalg.inv(device_tracking_matrices[i]) rvec, tvec = vu.extrinsic_matrix_to_vecs(b2g) base2gripper_rvecs.append(rvec) base2gripper_tvecs.append(tvec) b2w_rmat, b2w_t, g2c_rmat, g2c_t = \ cv2.calibrateRobotWorldHandEye(camera_rvecs, camera_tvecs, base2gripper_rvecs, base2gripper_tvecs, method=method) h2e = mu.construct_rigid_transformation(g2c_rmat, g2c_t) b2w = mu.construct_rigid_transformation(b2w_rmat, b2w_t) w2b = np.linalg.inv(b2w) return h2e, w2b