Source code for sksurgeryimage.acquire.stereo_video

# coding=utf-8

Module for stereo video source acquisition.

import logging
import cv2
import sksurgerycore.utilities.validate as scv
import sksurgerycore.utilities.validate_matrix as scvm
import sksurgeryimage.acquire.video_source as vs
import sksurgeryimage.processing.interlace as i

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StereoVideoLayouts: """ Class to hold some constants, like an enum. """ DUAL = 0 INTERLACED = 1 VERTICAL = 2
[docs]class StereoVideo: """ Provides a convenient object to manage various stereo input styles. Developed firstly for laparoscopic surgery, but broadly applicable to any stereo setup using our TimestampedVideoSource and VideoSourceWrapper. Design Principles: 1. Fail early, throwing exceptions for all errors. 2. Works with or without camera parameters. 3. If no camera parameters, calling get_undistorted() or get_rectified() is an Error. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, layout, channels, dims=None): """ Constructor, for stereo video sources of the same size. Originally designed for - Storz 3D laparoscope: two separate channels interlaced at 1920x1080, and fed into channel_1. - Viking 3D laparoscope: separate left and right channels, both at 1920x1080, fed into into AJA Hi5-3D, stacking channels top and bottom each at 1920x540, resulting in 1920x1080, and fed into channel_1. - Viking 3D laparoscope: two separate 1920x1080 channels fed into channel_1 and channel_2. - DaVinci laparoscope: two separate channels (resolution?) fed into channel_1 and channel_2. :param layout: See StereoVideoLayouts. :param channels: list of camera integer id's, or string file path name :param dims: (width, height) - required size in pixels """ if layout is not StereoVideoLayouts.DUAL \ and layout is not StereoVideoLayouts.INTERLACED \ and layout is not StereoVideoLayouts.VERTICAL: raise ValueError("Layout must be either StereoVideoLayouts.DUAL, " + "StereoVideoLayouts.INTERLACED " + " or StereoVideoLayoutsVERTICAL.") if not channels: raise ValueError("You must provide at least one channel of input.") if len(channels) != 1 and len(channels) != 2: raise ValueError("You must provide either 1 or " + "2 channels of input.") if len(channels) >= 1: if channels[0] is None: raise ValueError("First channel is None.") scv.validate_is_string_or_number(channels[0]) if len(channels) == 2: if channels[1] is None: raise ValueError("Second channel is None.") scv.validate_is_string_or_number(channels[1]) if layout == StereoVideoLayouts.DUAL and len(channels) != 2: raise ValueError("If you specify layout to be DUAL, " + "you must provide 2 channels.") # Further validation of (width, height) if dims is not None: scv.validate_width_height(dims) self.layout = layout self.channels = channels self.scaling = [1, 2] self.camera_matrices = [None, None] self.distortion_coefficients = [None, None] self.stereo_rotation = None self.stereo_translation = None self.rectify_rotation = [None, None] self.rectify_projection = [None, None] self.rectify_q = None self.rectify_new_size = None self.rectify_valid_roi = [None, None] self.rectify_dx = [None, None] self.rectify_dy = [None, None] self.rectify_initialised = False self.video_sources = vs.VideoSourceWrapper() self.video_sources.add_source(channels[0], dims) if len(channels) == 2: self.video_sources.add_source(channels[1], dims) self.scaling = [1, 1]
[docs] def set_intrinsic_parameters(self, camera_matrices, distortion_coefficients): """ Sets both sets of intrinsic parameters. :param camera_matrices: list of 2, 3x3 numpy arrays. :param distortion_coefficients: list of 2, 1xN numpy arrays. :raises: ValueError, TypeError """ if len(camera_matrices) != 2: raise ValueError("There should be exactly 2 camera matrices.") if len(distortion_coefficients) != 2: raise ValueError("There should be exactly 2 " + "sets of distortion coefficients.") # Further validation of camera matrices and distortion coefficients. for matrix in camera_matrices: scvm.validate_camera_matrix(matrix) for coefficients in distortion_coefficients: scvm.validate_distortion_coefficients(coefficients) self.camera_matrices = camera_matrices self.distortion_coefficients = distortion_coefficients self.rectify_initialised = False
[docs] def set_extrinsic_parameters(self, rotation, translation, dims ): """ Sets the stereo extrinsic parameters. :param rotation: 3x3 numpy array representing rotation matrix. :param translation: 3x1 numpy array representing translation vector. :param dims: new image size for rectification :raises: ValueError, TypeError """ scvm.validate_rotation_matrix(rotation) scvm.validate_translation_column_vector(translation) scv.validate_width_height(dims) self.stereo_rotation = rotation self.stereo_translation = translation self.rectify_new_size = dims self.rectify_initialised = False
[docs] def release(self): """ Asks internal VideoSourceWrapper to release all sources. """ self.video_sources.release_all_sources()
[docs] def grab(self): """ Asks internal VideoSourceWrapper to grab images. """ self.video_sources.grab()
[docs] def retrieve(self): """ Asks internal VideoSourceWrapper to retrieve images. """ self.video_sources.retrieve()
[docs] def get_images(self): """ Returns the 2 channels, unscaled, as a list of images. :return: list of images """ return self._extract_separate_views()
[docs] def get_scaled(self): """ Returns the 2 channels, scaled, as a list of images. :return: list of images """ frames = self.get_images() scaled = [] if len(self.channels) == 1: # stereo frames provided in one image for frame in frames: scaled_image = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=self.scaling[0], fy=self.scaling[1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) scaled.append(scaled_image) else: scaled = frames return scaled
[docs] def get_undistorted(self): """ Returns the 2 channels, undistorted, as a list of images. :return: list of images :raises: ValueError - if you haven't already provided camera parameters """ self._validate_intrinsic_params() frames = self.get_scaled() undistorted = [] counter = 0 for frame in frames: undist = cv2.undistort(frame, self.camera_matrices[counter], self.distortion_coefficients[counter] ) undistorted.append(undist) counter += 1 return undistorted
[docs] def get_rectified(self): """ Returns the 2 channels, rectified, as a list of images. :return: list of images :raises: ValueError, TypeError - if camera parameters are not set. """ self._validate_intrinsic_params() scvm.validate_rotation_matrix(self.stereo_rotation) scvm.validate_translation_column_vector(self.stereo_translation) frames = self.get_scaled() if not self.rectify_initialised: image_size = (frames[0].shape[1], frames[0].shape[0]) self.rectify_rotation[0], \ self.rectify_rotation[1], \ self.rectify_projection[0], \ self.rectify_projection[1], \ self.rectify_q, \ self.rectify_valid_roi[0], \ self.rectify_valid_roi[1] = \ cv2.stereoRectify(self.camera_matrices[0], self.distortion_coefficients[0], self.camera_matrices[1], self.distortion_coefficients[1], image_size, self.stereo_rotation, self.stereo_translation, flags=cv2.CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, alpha=0, newImageSize=self.rectify_new_size ) for image_index in [0, 1]: self.rectify_dx[image_index], self.rectify_dy[image_index] = \ cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( self.camera_matrices[image_index], self.distortion_coefficients[image_index], self.rectify_rotation[image_index], self.rectify_projection[image_index], self.rectify_new_size, cv2.CV_32FC1 ) self.rectify_initialised = True rectified = [] counter = 0 for frame in frames: rectified_image = cv2.remap(frame, self.rectify_dx[counter], self.rectify_dy[counter], cv2.INTER_LINEAR ) rectified.append(rectified_image) counter += 1 return rectified
def _validate_intrinsic_params(self): """ Internal method to ensure we have camera parameters. :raises ValueError: if you haven't already provided camera parameters. """ if self.camera_matrices[0] is None \ or self.camera_matrices[1] is None \ or self.distortion_coefficients[0] is None \ or self.distortion_coefficients[1] is None: raise ValueError("Not all camera parameters are available") return True def _extract_separate_views(self): """ Internal method to separate vertically stacked or interlaced frames. :return: either [top, bottom], or [even, odd] images """ if not self.video_sources.frames: raise RuntimeError("No frames present, did you " + "call grab and retrieve yet?") if len(self.video_sources.frames) > 1: return self.video_sources.frames if self.layout == StereoVideoLayouts.INTERLACED: even_rows, odd_rows \ = i.deinterlace_to_view(self.video_sources.frames[0]) separated = [even_rows, odd_rows] return separated top, bottom \ = i.split_stacked_to_view(self.video_sources.frames[0]) separated = [top, bottom] return separated