Source code for sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities

# coding=utf-8

Various utilities, like preparing overlay text.
import cv2
import sksurgerycore.utilities.validate as scv

[docs]def prepare_cv2_text_overlay(overlay_text, frame, text_scale=1): """ Return settings for text overlay on a cv2 frame. """ scv.validate_is_string_or_number(overlay_text) text = str(overlay_text) text_y_offset = 10 text_location = (0, frame.shape[0] - text_y_offset) # Bottom left text_colour = (255, 255, 255) text_overlay_properties = ( text, text_location, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, text_scale, text_colour) return text_overlay_properties
[docs]def noisy_image(image, mean=0, stddev=(50, 5, 5)): """ Creates a noise image, based on the dimensions of the passed image. param: the image to define size and channels of output returns: a noisy image """ cv2.randn(image, (mean), (stddev)) return image
[docs]def are_similar(image0, image1, threshold = 0.995, metric = cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED, mean_threshold = 0.005): """ Compares two images to see if they are similar. :param image0, image0: The images :param threshold: The numerical threshold to use, default 0.995 :param method: The comparison metric, default normalised cross correlation, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED :param mean_threshold: Also compare the mean values of each array, return false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold, if less than zero this test will be skipped :return: True if the metric is greater than the threshols, false otherwise or if the images are not the same dimensions or type """ if image0.shape != image1.shape: return False if image0.dtype != image1.dtype: return False if cv2.matchTemplate(image0, image1, metric)[0] < threshold: return False return image_means_are_similar(image0, image1, mean_threshold)
[docs]def image_means_are_similar(image0, image1, threshold = 0.005): """ Compares two images to see if they have similar mean pixel values :param image0, image0: The images :param threshold: The mean value threshold to use. return false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold. :return: false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold, true otherwise or if threshold is less than zero. """ if threshold < 0.0: return True if image0.mean() == image1.mean(): return True abs_mean_diff = abs(image0.mean() - image1.mean()) normalising_mean = abs(image0.mean()) if normalising_mean == 0.0: normalising_mean = abs(image1.mean()) if abs_mean_diff / normalising_mean > threshold: return False return True