Source code for sksurgerynditracker.nditracker

#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Class implementing communication with NDI (Northern Digital) trackers"""

import sys
import os
import contextlib

from platform import system
from subprocess import call
from time import time
from import list_ports #pylint: disable=import-error

from six import int2byte
from numpy import full, nan, reshape, transpose
from sksurgerycore.baseclasses.tracker import SKSBaseTracker
import ndicapy

def _open_logging(verbose):
    Opens either stdout out if verbose is true,
    else os.devnull if verbose is false
    if verbose:
        fileout = sys.stdout
        fileout = open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') #pylint: disable=consider-using-with

        yield fileout

        if fileout is not sys.stdout:

def _get_serial_port_name(configuration):
    Probes the system's serial ports to
    find the name of the serial port and check we can connect

    :return port_name: the name of the port

    :raises: IOError if port not found or port probe fails

    with _open_logging(configuration.get('verbose', False)) as fileout:
        serial_port = configuration.get("serial port", None)
        ports_to_probe = configuration.get("ports to probe", 20)
        serial_ports = list_ports.comports()
        result = None
        name = None
        if ports_to_probe > len(serial_ports):
            ports_to_probe = len(serial_ports)

        if serial_port is None:
            for port_no in range(ports_to_probe):
                name = serial_ports[port_no].device

                result = ndicapy.ndiProbe(name)
                print("Probing port: ", port_no, " got name: ", name,
                      " Result: ", result, file=fileout)
                if result == ndicapy.NDI_OKAY:
            if isinstance(serial_port, int):
                if serial_port < len(serial_ports):
                    name = serial_ports[serial_port].device
                    result = ndicapy.ndiProbe(name)
                    print("Probing port: ", serial_port, " got name: ", name,
                          " Result: ", result, file=fileout)
            if isinstance(serial_port, str):
                name = serial_port
                result = ndicapy.ndiProbe(name)
                print("Probing port: ", name,
                      " Result: ", result, file=fileout)

        if result != ndicapy.NDI_OKAY:
            raise IOError(
                'Could not find any NDI device in '
                f'{ports_to_probe} serial port candidates checked. '
                'Please check the following:\n'
                '\t1) Is an NDI device connected to your computer?\n'
                '\t2) Is the NDI device switched on?\n'
                '\t3) Do you have sufficient privilege to connect to '
                'the device? (e.g. on Linux are you part of the "dialout" '

        return name

[docs]class NDITracker(SKSBaseTracker): """ Class for communication with NDI trackers. Should support Polaris, Aurora, and Vega. Currently only tested with wireless tools on Vega """ def __init__(self, configuration): """ Creates an NDI tracker devices and connects to an NDI Tracker. :param configuration: A dictionary containing details of the tracker. tracker type: vega polaris aurora dummy ip address: port: romfiles: serial port: ports to probe: :raises Exception: IOError, KeyError, OSError """ self._device = None self._tool_descriptors = [] self._tracker_type = None self._state = None self._get_frame = None self._get_transform = None self._capture_string = None self._configure(configuration) super().__init__(configuration, tracked_objects = None) if self._tracker_type == "vega": self._connect_vega(configuration) if self._tracker_type == "aurora": self._connect_aurora(configuration) if self._tracker_type == "polaris": self._connect_polaris(configuration) if self._tracker_type == "dummy": self._device = True self._initialise_ports() self._enable_tools() self._get_firmware_version() self._set_use_bx_transforms() self._state = 'ready' def _set_use_bx_transforms(self): """ We'd like to use BX transforms as this sends binary tracking data, so should be faster, however for certain devices we can't do this. Here we check the firmware version and set _use_bx_transforms to suit. """ self._get_frame = getattr(ndicapy, 'ndiGetBXFrame') self._get_transform = getattr(ndicapy, 'ndiGetBXTransform') self._capture_string = 'BX:0801' firmware = self._get_firmware_version() if firmware in (' AURORA Rev 007', ' AURORA Rev 008', ' Polaris Vega 008'): self._get_frame = getattr(ndicapy, 'ndiGetTXFrame') self._get_transform = getattr(ndicapy, 'ndiGetTXTransform') self._capture_string = 'TX:0801' def _get_firmware_version(self): """ Gets the device's firmware version, and sets self._device_firmware_version """ device_firmware_version = 'unknown 00.0' if self._tracker_type != 'dummy': device_info = ndicapy.ndiVER(self._device, 0).split('\n') for line in device_info: if line.startswith('Freeze Tag:'): device_firmware_version = line.split(':')[1] return device_firmware_version def _connect_vega(self, configuration): self._connect_network(configuration) self._read_sroms_from_file() def _connect_polaris(self, configuration): name = _get_serial_port_name(configuration) self._connect_serial(name) self._read_sroms_from_file() def _connect_aurora(self, configuration): name = _get_serial_port_name(configuration) self._connect_serial(name) self._find_wired_ports() def _connect_network(self, configuration): #try and ping first to save time with timeouts param = '-n' if system().lower() == 'windows' else '-c' ip_address = configuration.get("ip address") port = configuration.get("port") if call(['ping', param, '1', ip_address]) == 0: self._device = ndicapy.ndiOpenNetwork(ip_address, port) else: raise IOError(f'Could not find a device at {ip_address}') if not self._device: raise IOError('Could not connect to network NDI device' f'at {ip_address}') ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'INIT:') self._check_for_errors('Sending INIT command') def _connect_serial(self, name): """ Attempts to open the serial port with name name :raises: IOError if connection fails """ self._device = ndicapy.ndiOpen(name) if not self._device: raise IOError(f'Could not connect to serial NDI device at {name}') ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'INIT:') self._check_for_errors('Sending INIT command') ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, f'COMM:{ndicapy.NDI_115200:d}{ndicapy.NDI_8N1:03d}' f'{ndicapy.NDI_NOHANDSHAKE:d}') def _configure(self, configuration): """ Reads a configuration dictionary describing the tracker configuration. and sets class variables. raises: ValueError, KeyError """ if not "tracker type" in configuration: raise KeyError("Configuration must contain 'Tracker type'") tracker_type = configuration.get("tracker type") if tracker_type in ("vega", "polaris", "aurora", "dummy"): self._tracker_type = tracker_type else: raise ValueError( "Supported trackers are 'vega', 'aurora', 'polaris', " "and 'dummy'") if self._tracker_type == "vega": self._check_config_vega(configuration) if self._tracker_type == "polaris": self._check_config_polaris(configuration) if self._tracker_type == "aurora": pass if self._tracker_type == "dummy": self._check_config_dummy(configuration) def _check_config_vega(self, configuration): """ Internal function to check configuration of a polaris vega """ if not "ip address" in configuration: raise KeyError("Configuration for vega must contain" "'ip address'") if not "port" in configuration: configuration.update({"port":8765}) if "romfiles" not in configuration: raise KeyError("Configuration for vega and polaris must" "contain a list of 'romfiles'") for romfile in configuration.get("romfiles"): if not os.path.exists(romfile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"ROM file '{romfile}' not found.") self._tool_descriptors.append({"description" : romfile}) def _check_config_polaris(self, configuration): """ Internal function to check configuration for polaris vicra or spectra """ if "romfiles" not in configuration: raise KeyError("Configuration for vega and polaris must" "contain a list of 'romfiles'") for romfile in configuration.get("romfiles"): if not os.path.exists(romfile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"ROM file '{romfile}' not found.") self._tool_descriptors.append({"description" : romfile}) def _check_config_dummy(self, configuration): """ Internal function to check configuration of a testing dummy """ if "romfiles" in configuration: for romfile in configuration.get("romfiles"): if not os.path.exists(romfile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"ROM file '{romfile}' not found.") self._tool_descriptors.append({"description" : romfile})
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the connection to the NDI Tracker and deletes the tracker device. :raises Exception: ValueError """ if not self._device: raise ValueError('close called with no NDI device') if self._state == "tracking": self.stop_tracking() if self._tracker_type == "vega": ndicapy.ndiCloseNetwork(self._device) if self._tracker_type in ("aurora", "polaris"): ndicapy.ndiClose(self._device) self._device = None self._state = None
def _read_sroms_from_file(self): if not self._device: raise ValueError('read srom called with no NDI device') if self._state == "tracking": self.stop_tracking() #free ports that are waiting to be freed ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHSR:01') number_of_tools = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRNumberOfHandles(self._device) for tool_index in range(number_of_tools): port_handle = ndicapy.ndiGetPHRQHandle(self._device, tool_index) ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, f"PHF:{port_handle:02x}") self._check_for_errors(f'freeing port handle {tool_index:02x}.') for tool in self._tool_descriptors: ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHRQ:*********1****') port_handle = ndicapy.ndiGetPHRQHandle(self._device) tool.update({"port handle" : port_handle}) if self._tracker_type == "aurora": tool.update({"c_str port handle" : str(port_handle).encode()}) else: tool.update({"c_str port handle" : int2byte(port_handle)}) self._check_for_errors( f'getting srom file port handle {port_handle}.') ndicapy.ndiPVWRFromFile(self._device, port_handle, tool.get("description")) self._check_for_errors( f'setting srom file port handle {port_handle}.') ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHSR:01') def _initialise_ports(self): """Initialises each port in the list of tool descriptors""" if not self._device: raise ValueError('init ports called with no NDI device') if not self._tracker_type == "dummy": ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHSR:02') for tool in self._tool_descriptors: ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, f'PINIT:{tool.get("port handle"):02x}') self._check_for_errors('Initialising port handle ' f'{tool.get("port handle"):02x}.') def _find_wired_ports(self): """For systems with wired tools, gets the number of tools plugged in and sticks them in the tool descriptors list""" if not self._device: raise ValueError('find wired ports called with no NDI device') ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHSR:02') number_of_tools = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRNumberOfHandles(self._device) while number_of_tools > 0: for ndi_tool_index in range(number_of_tools): port_handle = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRHandle(self._device, ndi_tool_index) self._tool_descriptors.append({"description" : ndi_tool_index, "port handle" : port_handle, "c_str port handle" : int2byte(port_handle)}) ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, f"PINIT:{port_handle:02x}") ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'PHSR:02') number_of_tools = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRNumberOfHandles(self._device) def _enable_tools(self): if not self._device: raise ValueError('enable tools called with no NDI device') if not self._tracker_type == "dummy": ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, "PHSR:03") number_of_tools = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRNumberOfHandles(self._device) for tool_index in range(number_of_tools): port_handle = ndicapy.ndiGetPHSRHandle(self._device, tool_index) port_handle_already_present = False for tool in self._tool_descriptors: if tool.get("port handle") == port_handle: port_handle_already_present = True break if not port_handle_already_present: self._tool_descriptors.append({ "description" : tool_index, "port handle" : port_handle, "c_str port handle" : int2byte(port_handle)}) mode = 'D' ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, f"PENA:{port_handle:02x}{mode}") self._check_for_errors(f'Enabling port handle {port_handle}.')
[docs] def get_frame(self): """Gets a frame of tracking data from the NDI device. :return: port_numbers : list of port handles, one per tool time_stamps : list of timestamps (cpu clock), one per tool frame_numbers : list of framenumbers (tracker clock) one per tool tracking : list of 4x4 tracking matrices, rotation and position, or if use_quaternions is true, a list of tracking quaternions, column 0-2 is x,y,z column 3-6 is the rotation as a quaternion. tracking_quality : list the tracking quality, one per tool. Note: The time stamp is based on the host computer clock. Read the following extract from NDI's API Guide for advice on what to use: "Use the frame number, and not the host computer clock, to identify when data was collected. The frame number is incremented by 1 at a constant rate of 60 Hz. Associating a time from the host computer clock to replies from the system assumes that the duration of time between raw data collection and when the reply is received by the host computer is constant. This is not necessarily the case." """ port_handles = [] time_stamps = [] frame_numbers = [] tracking = [] tracking_quality = [] timestamp = time() if not self._tracker_type == "dummy": ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, self._capture_string) for descriptor in self._tool_descriptors: port_handles.append(descriptor.get("port handle")) time_stamps.append(timestamp) frame_numbers.append(self._get_frame( self._device, descriptor.get("c_str port handle"))) qtransform = self._get_transform( self._device, descriptor.get("c_str port handle")) if not qtransform == "MISSING" and not qtransform == "DISABLED": tracking_quality.append(qtransform[7]) if not self.use_quaternions: transform = transpose( reshape(ndicapy.ndiTransformToMatrixd(qtransform), [4, 4])) else: transform = reshape(qtransform[0:7], [1, 7]) else: tracking_quality.append(nan) if not self.use_quaternions: transform = full((4, 4), nan) else: transform = full((1, 7), nan) tracking.append(transform) else: for descriptor in self._tool_descriptors: port_handles.append(descriptor.get( "port handle")) time_stamps.append(timestamp) frame_numbers.append(0) tracking_quality.append(0.0) if not self.use_quaternions: tracking.append(full((4, 4), nan)) else: tracking.append(full((1, 7), nan)) return port_handles, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, \ tracking_quality
[docs] def get_tool_descriptions(self): """ Returns the port handles and tool descriptions """ port_handles = [] descriptions = [] for descriptor in self._tool_descriptors: port_handles.append(descriptor.get("port handle")) descriptions.append(descriptor.get("description")) return port_handles, descriptions
[docs] def start_tracking(self): """ Tells the NDI devices to start tracking. :raises Exception: ValueError """ if self._state != 'ready': raise ValueError("""Called start tracking before device ready, try calling connect first""") ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'TSTART:') self._check_for_errors('starting tracking.') self._state = 'tracking'
[docs] def stop_tracking(self): """ Tells the NDI devices to stop tracking. :raises Exception: ValueError """ ndicapy.ndiCommand(self._device, 'TSTOP:') self._check_for_errors('stopping tracking.') self._state = 'ready'
def _check_for_errors(self, message): errnum = ndicapy.ndiGetError(self._device) if errnum != ndicapy.NDI_OKAY: ndicapy.ndiClose(self._device) raise IOError(f'error when {message}. the error was: ' f'{ndicapy.ndiErrorString(errnum)}')