Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module to implement a basic classifier for the Fashion MNIST dataset.
The aim of this module is to demonstrate how to create a class
that can be developed, tested and re-used effectively. It is not
a demonstration on how to do deep learning, or classification per se.

Inspired by
`TensorFlow tutorials

import os
import sys
import logging
import copy
import datetime
import platform
import ssl
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
import cv2

from sksurgerytf import __version__

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FashionMNIST: """ Class to encapsulate a classifier for the Fashion MNIST dataset. """ def __init__(self, logs="logs/fit", model=None, learning_rate=0.001, epochs=1 ): """ Class to implement a 10-class classifier for the Fashion MNIST dataset, and provide entry points for both training and testing. If the constructor is called without weights, the data is loaded and a full training cycle is performed in order to learn the weights. If the constructor is called with weights, these are loaded, as is, with no further training. If you want to continue training, call the train method again. :param logs: relative path to folder to write tensorboard log files. :param model: file name of previously saved model. :param learning_rate: float, default=0.001 which is the Keras default. :param epochs: int, default=1 """ self.logs = logs self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.epochs = epochs"Creating FashionMNIST with log dir: %s.", str(self.logs))"Creating FashionMNIST with model file: %s.", str(model))"Creating FashionMNIST with learning_rate: %s.", str(self.learning_rate))"Creating FashionMNIST with epochs: %s.", str(self.epochs)) # To fix issues with SSL certificates on CI servers. ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context self.model = None self.train_images = None self.train_labels = None self.test_images = None self.test_labels = None self.class_names = ['T-shirt/top', 'Trouser', 'Pullover', 'Dress', 'Coat', 'Sandal', 'Shirt', 'Sneaker', 'Bag', 'Ankle boot'] if model is None: self.__build_model() self.__load_data() self.train() else: self.model = keras.models.load_model(model)
[docs] def get_class_names(self): """ Returns a copy of the valid class names. We return copies to stop external people accidentally editing the internal copies. It's safer in the long run, although in Python easy to work around. :return: list of strings """ return copy.deepcopy(self.class_names)
def __load_data(self): """ Loads the data. fashion_mnist is available from TF/Keras directly, and fortunately, it get's cached on your computer. So, subsequent calls are fast. """ (self.train_images, self.train_labels), \ (self.test_images, self.test_labels) = \ keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() self.train_images = self.__preprocess_data(self.train_images) self.test_images = self.__preprocess_data(self.test_images) @staticmethod def __preprocess_data(images): """ Pre-processes the data. For this data set we just: - Normalise unsigned char [0-255] to float [0-1]. :param images: (m x 28 x 28) numpy, single channel, [0-255], uchar :return: normalised (m x 28 x 28) numpy, single channel, [0-1], float """ return images / 255.0 def __build_model(self): """ Constructs the neural network, and compiles it. - 128 node FC + relu - 10 node FC + softmax For the purpose of this demo, the network is irrelevant. Its the same one, copied from `TensorFlow tutorials <>`_. Other examples you could experiment with include `this one <>`_. For demo purposes, this uses: - Adam optimiser - sparse_categorical_crossentropy cost function - evaluates accuracy metric This is not a comprehensive list of all the things that you could tweak and write about. Its just a demo. """ self.model = keras.Sequential([ keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'), keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax') ]) optimiser = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) self.model.compile(optimizer=optimiser, loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) self.model.summary()
[docs] def train(self): """ Method to train the neural network. Writes each epoch to tensorboard log files. :return: output of self.model.evaluate on test set. """ log_dir = os.path.join(Path(self.logs), .strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) tensorboard_callback = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir, histogram_freq=1), self.train_labels, epochs=self.epochs, validation_data=(self.test_images, self.test_labels), callbacks=[tensorboard_callback] ) return self.model.evaluate(self.test_images, self.test_labels, verbose=2, )
[docs] def test(self, image): """ Method to test a single (28 x 28) image. :param image: (28 x 28), numpy, single channel, [0-255], uchar. :return: (class_index, class_name) """ normalised = self.__preprocess_data(image) img = (np.expand_dims(normalised, 0)) predictions = self.model.predict(img) class_index = np.argmax(predictions[0]) return class_index, self.class_names[class_index]
[docs] def save_model(self, filename): """ Method to save the whole trained network to disk. :param filename: file to save to. """
[docs] def get_test_image(self, index): """ Extracts an image from the test data. Useful for unit testing, as the original data comes packaged up in a zip file. :param index: int [0-9999], unchecked :return: image, (28 x 28), numpy, single channel, [0-255], uchar. """ if self.test_images is None: self.__load_data() img = self.test_images[index, :, :] reshaped = img.reshape([28, 28]) rescaled = reshaped * 255 output = rescaled.astype(np.uint8) return output
[docs] def extract_failures(self, number_to_fetch): """ Returns incorrectly classified test images. :param number_to_fetch: int, the number to find. This method is slow, its only for demo purposes. :return: indexes, images, predicted, labels """ indexes = [] images = [] predicted = [] labels = [] if self.test_images is None: self.__load_data() for counter in range(self.test_images.shape[0]): image = self.get_test_image(counter) class_index, _ = self.test(image) if class_index != self.test_labels[counter]: indexes.append(counter) images.append(image) predicted.append(class_index) labels.append(self.test_labels[counter]) if len(indexes) == number_to_fetch: break return indexes, images, predicted, labels
[docs]def run_fashion_model(logs, model, save, test): """ Helper function to run the Fashion MNIST model from the command line entry point. :param logs: directory for log files for tensorboard. :param model: file of previously saved model. :param save: file to save weights to :param test: image to test """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(handler)"Starting version: %s", __version__)"Starting with platform: %s.", str(platform.uname()))"Starting with cwd: %s.", os.getcwd())"Starting with path: %s.", sys.path) fmn = FashionMNIST(logs, model) if save is not None: fmn.save_model(save) if test is not None: img = cv2.imread(test) greyscale = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) class_index, class_name = fmn.test(greyscale)"Image: %s, categorised as: %s:%s", test, class_index, class_name)