Source code for sksurgeryvtk.text.text_overlay

Classes to implement text overlay.
Includes Corner Annotation, Large Centered Text and
generic text overlay.

import logging
import vtk

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#pylint:disable = invalid-name, no-member, attribute-defined-outside-init
#pylint:disable = no-self-use

[docs]class VTKCornerAnnotation: """ Wrapper for vtkCornerAnnotaiton class. """ def __init__(self): self.text_actor = vtk.vtkCornerAnnotation()
[docs] def set_text(self, text_list): """ Set the text in each of the four corners :param text_list: Text to display. [bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right]. :type text_list: List of 4 strings. """ self.validate_input(text_list) for idx, item in enumerate(text_list): self.text_actor.SetText(idx, item)
[docs] def get_text(self): """ Returns the current list of text annotations :return: [bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right] """ text = [self.text_actor.GetText(0), self.text_actor.GetText(1), self.text_actor.GetText(2), self.text_actor.GetText(3)] # Set None values to '' text_all_str = ['' if x is None else x for x in text] return text_all_str
[docs] def set_text_on_top_left(self, text): """ Set the text on the top-left corner. :param text: Text to display. """ self.text_actor.SetText(2, text)
[docs] def set_text_on_top_right(self, text): """ Set the text on the top-right corner. :param text: Text to display. """ self.text_actor.SetText(3, text)
[docs] def set_text_on_bottom_left(self, text): """ Set the text on the bottom-left corner. :param text: Text to display. """ self.text_actor.SetText(0, text)
[docs] def set_text_on_bottom_right(self, text): """ Set the text on the bottom-right corner. :param text: Text to display. """ self.text_actor.SetText(1, text)
[docs] def validate_input(self, text_list): """Check that the text_list input is a list of four strings. :param text_list: input to check. """ if not isinstance(text_list, list): raise TypeError('text_list is not a list') if not len(text_list) == 4: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of elements in text_list') for idx, item in enumerate(text_list): if not isinstance(item, str): raise ValueError(f'Item at position {idx} not a string')
[docs]class VTKTextBase: """ Wrapper around vtkTextActor class to set position, colour, size etc. """
[docs] def set_text_string(self, text): """ Set the text string. :param text: text to display.""" self.validate_text_input(text) self.text_actor.SetInput(text)
[docs] def set_text_position(self, x, y): """ Set the x,y coordinates of the text (bottom-left) :param x: x location in pixels :param y: y locaiton in pixels """ if self.validate_x_y_inputs(x, y): self.text_actor.SetPosition(x, y) self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def set_font_size(self, size): """ Set the font size. :param size: size in points""" self.text_actor.GetTextProperty().SetFontSize(size)
[docs] def set_colour(self, r, g, b): """ Set the text colour. :param r: Red (0.0 - 1.0) :param g: Green (0.0 - 1.0) :param b: Blue (0.0 - 1.0) """ self.text_actor.GetTextProperty().SetColor(r, g, b)
[docs] def validate_text_input(self, text): """ Check text input is a valid string. :param text: Input to validate. """ if isinstance(text, str): return True raise TypeError('Text input to VTKText is not a string.')
[docs] def validate_x_y_inputs(self, x, y): """ Check that coordinate inputs are valid. :param x: x location. :param y: y location """ valid_types = (int, float) if not isinstance(x, valid_types): raise TypeError('x input to VTKText is not a valid number') if not isinstance(y, valid_types): raise TypeError('y input to VTKText is not a valid number') return True
[docs]class VTKText(VTKTextBase): """ VTKText object that can be placed following a left click event. Text will rescale if the window resizes, to try and maintain relative positioning. :param text: text to display. :param x: x position (pixels) :param y: y position (pixels) :param font_size: Font size param colour: Colour, RGB tuple """ def __init__(self, text, x, y, font_size=24, colour=(1.0, 0, 0)): """ Create a VTK text actor. """ self.text_actor = vtk.vtkTextActor() self.text_actor.SetTextScaleModeToViewport() self.set_text_string(text) self.set_text_position(x, y) self.set_font_size(font_size) r, g, b = colour self.set_colour(r, g, b)
[docs] def set_parent_window(self, parent_window): """ Link the object to a VTKOverlayWindow and set up callbacks. :param parent_window: VTKOverlayWindow """ self.parent_window = parent_window self.calculate_relative_position_in_window() self.parent_window.AddObserver('ModifiedEvent', self.callback_update_position_in_window)
[docs] def calculate_relative_position_in_window(self): """ Calculate position relative to the middle of the screen. Can then be used to re-set the position if the window is resized. """ width, height = self.parent_window.GetRenderWindow().GetSize() middle_x = width // 2 middle_y = height // 2 self.original_aspect_ratio = width/height self.x_relative = (self.x - middle_x) / width self.y_relative = (self.y - middle_y) / height
[docs] def callback_update_position_in_window(self, _obj_unused, _ev_unused): """ Update position, maintaing relative distance to the centre of the background image. """ width, height = self.parent_window.GetRenderWindow().GetSize() middle_x = width // 2 middle_y = height // 2 current_aspect_ratio = width / height if current_aspect_ratio == self.original_aspect_ratio: x = middle_x + \ self.x_relative * (height * self.original_aspect_ratio) y = middle_y + \ self.y_relative * (width / self.original_aspect_ratio) else: # Too wide - height sets the x position if width > height * self.original_aspect_ratio: x = middle_x + \ self.x_relative * (height * self.original_aspect_ratio) y = middle_y + self.y_relative * height # Too tall, width sets the y position else: y = middle_y + \ self.y_relative * (width / self.original_aspect_ratio) x = middle_x + self.x_relative * width self.set_text_position(x, y)
[docs]class VTKLargeTextCentreOfScreen(VTKTextBase): """ Display large text in the centre of the screen. Useful for error messages/warnings etc. :param text: text to display. """ def __init__(self, text): self.text_actor = vtk.vtkTextActor() self.text_actor.SetTextScaleModeToProp() self.text_actor.GetTextProperty().SetJustificationToCentered() self.text_actor.GetTextProperty().SetVerticalJustificationToCentered() self.set_text_string(text)
[docs] def set_parent_window(self, parent_window): """ Attach text to a particular window. :param parent_window: VTKOverlayWindow that message will be displayed in. """ self.parent_window = parent_window self.parent_window.AddObserver('ModifiedEvent', self.calculate_text_size) self.calculate_text_size(None, None)
[docs] def calculate_text_size(self, _obj_unused, _ev_unused): """ Calculate the position and size of the text. Text should span the central half (x & y) of the window. """ #pylint:disable=unused-argument width, height = self.parent_window.GetRenderWindow().GetSize() self.set_text_position(width/2, height/2) self.text_actor.SetMinimumSize(width, height)