Get started with PyCharm

PyCharm is a popular python editor. This is a quickstart guide setting up PyCharm for developing sksurgery. This assumes you have PyCharm installed and configured to support virtual environments.

  1. Start PyCharm
  2. Select File > Open
  3. Select the project’s folder
  4. Open in a new window
  5. Open Preferences
  6. Click on Project: [YourProject] and select Project Interpreter
  7. At the right of the Project Interpreterm, click the cog
  8. Select Add Local…
  9. Select Virtual Environment
  10. Choose a location for your virtual environment (for example, [YourHomeFolder]/VirtualEnvs/[YourProjectName])
  11. Select a base interpreter (usually the latest version of Python 3).
  12. Recommended settings: Do not inherit global site-packages, and do not make available to all projects.
  13. Click OK
  14. Click on Terminal
  15. pip install tox
  16. tox
  17. Expand the project
  18. Right-click on the Tests folder and choose “Run Unittests in tests”. This will create a new configuration for running tests
  19. Right-click on sksurgery and select Run sksurgery. This will create a new configuration for running the project.
  20. Switch between the program and test configurations using the drop-down at the top of the screen, and the green arrow to run or the green bug to debug.